Neverwinter Wiki
Twin Breezes
Level: 20
Preceded by: Kenku Assault, Lovely Charms, Shiny Metal
Followed by: Riding the Winds
Given by: Brokar Ironshod
Starts in: Spinward Rise
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Spinward Rise
Turn in to: Brokar Ironshod
20 Silver
5,000 Rough Astral Diamond
Duration: {{{duration}}}

Objective[ | ]

  • Recover Cult Battle Plans and defeat Dashar and Silviria in the Air Cult Barracks located at Avia Landing in Spinward Rise.

Summary[ | ]

Brokar Ironshod
Dashar and Silviria have been lured out by our efforts!

They just arrived at the Air Cult Barracks on Avia Landing. While you're there, please search the building to see if you can find any cult battle plans. It's always better if we can stay ahead of the game.

Steps[ | ]

  • Raid Air Cult Barracks
    • Gather Cult Battle Plans (3)
    • Defeat Dashar
    • Defeat Silvaria
  • Return to Brokar Ironshod

Completion[ | ]

Brokar Ironshod
Many thanks, <name>. The defeat of those two will certainly weaken the cult, at least for a while.

These battle plans you recovered will be invaluable. I wonder what we can learn from them?

It looks like one of them describes a ritual... to travel to the other islands!
