Neverwinter Wiki

Overview[ | ]

The Story Editor is where you setup all of the key parts of your quest. Everything that appears in the quest status part of the UI needs to be setup here.

Story Elements[ | ]

  • Interact with Object
  • Kill Enemies - Linked to encounters
  • Dialog - Must be through NPC
  • Inspect Object
  • Unlock Door - Bugged in CB
  • Reach Point - Linked to waypoints

It is wisest to place all quest-necessary dialogue from the Story tab. You can click "Advanced Editor" and use that, but create quest necessary dialogue from inside this Story section. When you place it from the map, rather than from this tab, it may remain even after they have completed the objective or cause other bugs. Set the dialogue here, and connect it to an NPC from this tab. Placing quest dialogue on the map's version of the NPC is a common error for new Authors.

Map Transitions[ | ]

Map selection/creation column[ | ]


The left-most map column

The left side of the Story Tree window shows a list of all the maps associated with the quest, displayed sequentially. Authors can link to existing Neverwinter Adventure zone maps as well as add/create custom maps and then insert them into the story.

Adding any new map, be it a Neverwinter Adventure Zone or a custom map automatically creates a map transition object in the main story flow section.

(Note: As of July 12, 2013, it is best not to utilize existing Neverwinter Adventure zone maps if you can avoid it outside of the initial quest interaction. At this time, this frequently causes a bug that forces players to reboot the game from desktop in order to continue past these maps.)

Map Transition object[ | ]

In the main story flow section of the Story window, there are Map Transitions that contain the details of where and how the quest transitions to a new map. These are automatically created when a new map is added to the left most column.


Map transition detail

The fields for transition are:

  • Quest Text - This is the actual text that shows up in the Quest tracker for the player.
  • Use Overworld Map - This enables the author to choose a location on the map that is not specifically linked to one of the Adventure zones. If this is set to "true" then the player can use any door that would normally bring up the Overworld map. Only now it has a new location added to it for the Foundry quest. The Icon and the location are set from the left column of the Story Tree Window. There will be a "task" icon if this is not yet set.
  • Leave From - If not using the Overworld map for the transition ("False"), then the author can choose a specific door or object that will act as the transition point to the next map.
  • Interact Text - This is the interact text that is presented to the player when they are interacting with the door/object in the world - e.g. "Press F to <entered text>"

Keep in mind that maps cannot be reused. If you are going to have someone go from town, into a bar, and back out to town, you must create two duplicates of the town map (this does not include Public zones such as PE, which you should not reuse if you can help it right now--they are bugged and people may be forced to do multiple relogs). When you create your duplicates, make sure there is no dialogue or interactions on anything in the map, because there's a bug that will copy them over to everything you have on the map.

Story Links and Appears When[ | ]

It is important to note that if an encounter or detail is linked to a quest objective, it will appear instantly once that quest stage is active. There is nothing you can do to stop this.
