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Introduction[ | ]

The Neverwinter companion system is a hired-helper system available for all characters. At level 5, the introductory quest 'Five Keys to Success' becomes available from some NPC in the Adventurer's Guild in the Protector's Enclave. (This quest is not required to use the companion system as companions acquired via trade, auction, promotion, or other means can be used as soon as a character completes the tutorial. Zen store companions can be claimed as you wake up on the beach.)

All companions are initially obtained as items in your inventory. Double clicking the companion item will activate it. Companions range from simple mercenary humanoids to glowing stones to various monstrous creatures. A single companion can be summoned at any time to help you in combat. Each character in a five-player group can summon their own companion. If a companion runs out of health during combat, it can be revived by approaching it and reviving it similarly to a fallen player, or it will automatically resurrect after a short amount of time has passed. If combat ends while a companion is dead, it will automatically revive with maximum hit points.

Companions can be purchased for Gold, Astral Diamonds, Zen, Seals, Ardent Coins, Trade Bars, Glory or event currency in different events. They can also be rewards for completing Adventures or be found as rare drops in any queued content. Unique companions are also included in several of the games purchasable Packs. Sometimes Neverwinter gifts it's players companions, for example to promote new content, reward players for coming back to Neverwinter, or to fix a mistake.

Management UI[ | ]

CompanionUI mod20

1. Switches left companion panel to view the active companion's Rating Additions and Powers.

2. The companion type (top) and the specific, player-given name (bottom).

3. Dropdown to swap the appearance of the summoned companion. Every companion has 4 different appearances. The 2nd appearance unlocks when the companion is uncommon rank or higher, the 3rd at rare or higher, and the 4th at epic and higher.

4. This tells what the player's total Companion Bolster percentage is (top), and how much Item Level the summoned companion gives (bottom). The Bolster is based on the 10 highest ranked companions the player has, and has a maximum value of 100% when the player has 10 mythic companions in their Roster. The total Item Level is based on the Bolster percentage and the rank of the summoned companion.

5. This button allows the player to summon a different companion. All obtained companions will be listed.

6. Opens a dropdown with a few options. These options include Upgrading Summoned Companion, Dismissing Summoned Companion, and Renaming the summoned companion (this costs Astral Diamonds6,000).

7. Players can equip 3 separate pieces of Companion Equipment here. On the bottom right is a slot for a Companion Enchantment. There is only one type of Companion Enchantment that comes in quality uncommon to mythic and gives a bonus to Companion Damage for non-Augment companions and a bonus to the Augment Companion Bonus Stats for Augment companions. All the companion gear stats will be added directly to the player's stats as long as a companion is summoned.

8. These are the Companion Enhancement and Player Bonus slots. Players can equip one Enhancement (purple, top left), one Offense Player Bonus (orange slot, position varies by class), one Defense Player Bonus (darker blue slot, position varies by class), one Utility Player Bonus (green slot, bottom right), and two Universal Player Bonuses (lighter blue slots, position varies) which can be either Offense, Defense or Utility.

9. This button opens the Companion Roster which allows players to check all obtained companions. In the Roster, right-click any companion icon to open an options dropdown which allows players to Summon, Upgrade, Rename, Favorite, Protect, or Delete the companion. The gear icon in the bottom left allows the player to display all companions, or just their favorite companions. It also lets the player sort the Roster by companion Quality or by given name.

10. The "Apply to All Loadouts" button allows the player to apply the current loadout's summoned companion, equipped companion gear, and all Enhancements and Player Bonus Powers to all other loadouts.

List of Companions[ | ]

see List of Companions for a updated list.

Icon Name Max
Health Stats
Icons Companion Clericapprentice
[Apprentice Healer] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Companion Cleric Disciple
[Cleric Disciple] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor (formerly) [1]
Icons Companion Half-elfconartist 01
[Con Artist] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Icons Misc Collar Dog 01
[Damaran Shepherd] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Sword Coast Adventures tutorial dungeon
Companion Dog
[Dog] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Companion Man-at-Arms
[Man at Arms] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Companion Sellsword
[Sellsword] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Icons Companion Dwarfshieldmaiden
[Adbar Shield Maiden] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Companion Wayward Wizard
[Wayward Wizard] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Gold2
Companion Wayward Wizard
[Archmage's Apprentice] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Promotional Item
Icons Inventory Misc Collar Orcwolf 01
[Armored Orc Wolf] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Orc Assault
Icon Companion Batiri
[Batiri] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? The Merchant Prince's Folly
Companion Baby Brownbear
[Bear Cub] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icons Inventory Misc Collar Blinkdog 01
[Blink Dog] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Tower of Celadaine Campaign Chest drop
Icon Companion Fireeye 01
[Blue Fire Eye] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Gyrion's Demiplane
Icons Misc Collar Boar 04
[Boar] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icon Companion Lunar Boar
[Boar Shoat] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Feast of Lanterns Boar Coins12
Icons Misc Collar Bear 04
[Cave Bear] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icons Inventory Misc Contract Coldironwarrior 01
[Cold Iron Warrior] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icon Companion Slaad Blue
[Death Slaad] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Limited promotion for Zen transfers
Icons Companion Dragonborn Female 01
[Dragonborn Raider] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Dragon Scale Merchant Silvery Dragon Scale30
Icons Companion DuergarGuard
[Duergar Guard] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icon Companion Dwarvenbattlerager
[Dwarven Battlerager] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Icons Inventory Binds Binds To Account on Pickup The Maze Engine Campaign
Icon Companion Elementalcultist
[Elemental Air Cultist] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500 (bundled with Icons Inventory Fashion Elemental Air Top[Vestments of the Wind]), Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Companion Cleric Disciple
[Faithful Initiate] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Promotional Item [1]
Icons Inventory Misc Collar Fawn 01
[Fawn of Shiallia] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Winter Festival Light of Simril3,200
Icons Companion FlameSprite
[Flame Sprite] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Battle for the Bridge
Icons Companion Frostmimic
[Frost Mimic] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Winter Festival Star of Fortune18
Icons Companion Gelatinouscube
[Gelatinous Cube] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Promotional Item
Icon Companion Goldfish
[Goldfish] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Manycoins Bank Heist
Icons Companion GreenSlime
[Green Slime] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Respen's Marvelous Game
Companion Hawk
[Hawk] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icons Inventory Misc Armaments Helmet Haunted 01
[Helmite Paladin Ghost] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Straight to Helm
Icons Companion Icesprite
[Ice Sprite] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Winter Festival Light of Simril3,200
Icon Companion IntellectDevourer
[Intellect Devourer] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Gate Crashers
Icons Inventory Misc Gemstone Iounstoneradiance
[Ioun Stone of Radiance] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Limited promotion for Zen transfers
Icon Companion Kenku
[Kenku Archer] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200. Epic version was available from Kenku Archer Companion Bundle during promotional event for Zen3,000.
Icon Companion MoltenGalebDur
[Lava Galeb Duhr] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Kabal's Trial
Icons Companion Lizardfolk
[Lizardfolk Shaman] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Garrundar the Vile
Icons Misc Contract Mercenary 01
[Mercenary] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Promotional Item / Heirloom Pack/Tooltip Zen2,000
Icon Companion Minstrel
[Minstrel] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Sybella Artis
Icons Companion Moonshaedruid
[Moonshae Druid] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Defend the Temple
Icons Companion Mystagogue
[Mystagogue] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Promotional Item
Icon Companion Netheresewarlock
[Netherese Arcanist] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Shard of Night
Icons Companion Siegedefender
[Neverember Guard Archer] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Siege of Neverwinter
Icons Inventory Misc Plants Pig 01
[Pig] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Summer Festival Petal Store Fireblossom Petal4,200
Icons Inventory Misc Collar PortalHound 01
[Portal Hound] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Feywild Starter Pack / Zen Market Zen800
Icons Inventory Misc Contract Forestfolk 01
[Quickling] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Charge Rewards program
Icons Inventory Misc Contract Spellsword 01
[Rebel Mercenary] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Promotional Item
Icons Companion RenegadeEvoker
[Renegade Evoker] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Valindra's Tower
Icons Companion RenegadeIllusionist
[Renegade Illusionist] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Promotional Item
Icons Companion Repentedcultist
[Repentant Dragon Cultist] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Repentant Cultist Cage Key/Tooltip (Well of Dragons)
Icons Companion Rimefiregolem
[Rimefire Golem] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Storm Front[2]
Icons Companion Shadowdemon
[Shadow Demon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icon Companion Dragonborncleric
[Silver-Scaled Cleric Disciple] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Dragon Scale Merchant Silvery Dragon Scale30
Inventory Ringoflethalprecision G3
[Skeleton] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Masquerade Vendor Masquerade Token600
Icons Companion SnowLeopard
[Snow Leopard] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Preveiw server only and temporary?
Icons Inventory Misc Collar Fawn Snowy 01
[Snowy Fawn] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Winter Festival Light of Simril3,200
Icon Companion Broom
[Splinters] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Masquerade of Liars
Icon Companion Gargoyle Def
[Staldorf] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Portobello's Game
Event Simril Refinement R4 Gold
[Star of Simril] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Winter Festival Star of Fortune14
Icons Inventory Misc Contract StormRider 01
[Storm Rider] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Charge Rewards program
Icons Companion Swashbuckler
[Swashbuckler] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Call to Arms: Storming the Keep
Icons Companion TravelingEntertainer
[Traveling Entertainer] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Protector's Jubilee Protector's Figurines10
Icons Inventory Misc Contract WildHuntRider 01
[Wild Hunt Rider] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Companion Wolf
[Wolf] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen800, Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Icon Companion Yethhound 01
[Yeth Hound] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Nostura's Castle
Icons Companion Yeti
[Young Yeti] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Inventory Misc Food Meat 01[Yeti Treat] from The Need for Mead
Companion Acolyte of Kelemvor
[Acolyte of Kelemvor] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion AstralDeva
[Astral Deva] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion Barbarianshaman
[Barbarian Shaman] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion Blacksmith
[Blacksmith] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200. Epic version from the Inventory Gond MechanicalAltar Pack[Creations of Wonder Pack] during the Wonders of Gond.
Icon Companion Maguscambion
[Cambion Magus] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icons Inventory Misc Trinket Cantankerousmage 03
[Cantankerous Mage] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Collar Kittycat 04
[Cat] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Wondrous Bazaar Astral Diamonds400,000
Armaments Blade 02
[Dancing Blade] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Wondrous Bazaar Astral Diamonds400,000
Armaments Shield 03
[Dancing Shield] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Wondrous Bazaar Astral Diamonds400,000
Icon Companion PaladinSquire
[Dedicated Squire] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Cstore Pack Oathboundpaladin[Oathbound Paladin Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icons Companion Astraldeva Def
[Deva Champion] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Misc Pack Devotedcleric[Devoted Cleric Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icons Companion Dragonborn 01
[Dragonborn Brawler] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Wondrous Bazaar Astral Diamonds400,000
Icons Companion DreadWarriorRevenant
[Dread Warrior] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion Erinyes
[Erinyes of Belial] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Pack ScourgeWarlock[Warlock Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icons Inventory Misc Collar Panther Fey 01
[Fey Panther] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Inventory Misc 02 Darkbrown[Steam Exclusive Starter Kit] [Neverwinter Steam Starter Kit]
Misc Trinket Haunted 01
[Ghost] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion Grazilaxx
[Grazilaxx] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,700(Icon Cstore Companionbundle[Grazilaxx Bundle])
Icon Companion Greenscale Hunter
[Greenscale Bowman] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Misc Pack Trickster[Trickster Rogue Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icon Companion HarperBard
[Harper Bard] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icons Companion ForestHawk
[Hunting Hawk] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? [Ranger Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Companion Ioun Stone of Allure
[Ioun Stone of Allure] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Companion Jagged Dancing Blade
[Jagged Dancing Blade] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor Glory14,000
Icon Inventory Trinket Leprechaun 01
[Leprechaun] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion Halflingthief
[Lightfoot Thief] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Sword Coast Adventures tier 6 dungeon reward
Inventory Gond MechanicalToy
[Mini Apparatus of Gond] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward on Gateway shutdown
Companion Neverember Guard
[Neverember Guard] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icon Companion Pewtergolem
[Pewter Golem] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Respen's Marvelous Game
Icons Inventory Misc Gemstone Phasespider 01
[Phase Spider] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icon Companion Elvenpriestess
[Priestess of Sehanine Moonbow] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Cstore BahamutsChampionBooster[Bahamut's Champion Booster Pack]
Icons Companion Priestessofsune
[Priestess of Sune] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Companion Quasit
[Quasit] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Icons Companion Dragonstone 01
[Red Dragon Ioun Stone] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Dragon Scale Merchant Silvery Dragon Scale60
Icon Companion Slaad Red
[Red Slaad] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Misc Pack Controlwizard[Control Wizard Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icons Companion Siegemaster
[Siege Master] 25 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Companion Slyblade Kobold
[Slyblade Kobold] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,200
Companion Tomb Spider
[Tomb Spider] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen1,500
Icons Companion Wanderingscarecrow
[Wandering Scarecrow] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Masquerade of Liars
Icons Misc Collar Boar War
[War Boar] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Misc Pack Greatweapon[Barbarian Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icons Companion Wardog
[War Dog] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Pack Firsttimebuyer[First Time Buyer's Pack]
Companion Wererat Thief
[Wererat Thief] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Phileas Gram Seal of the Elements600
Icon Companion Werewolf Def
[Werewolf] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Inventory Misc Pack Guardianfighter[Guardian Fighter Booster Pack] Zen3,500
Icons Companion ZhentarimWarlock
[Zhentarim Warlock] 30 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent promotional reward
Icon Companion Archon Air
[Air Archon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Promotional Trove Of Elemental Evil[Trove of Elemental Evil]
Icons Companion Alchemist
[Alchemist Experimenter] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Alchemical Extravaganza
Icon Companion Compy Pack
[Alpha Compy] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Expedition Pack Zen10,000
Icon Companion Ambushdrake
[Ambush Drake] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icons Mysteriousscroll Drake[Mysterious Drake Summoning Scroll]
Companion Angel of Protection
[Angel of Protection] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Vault of Piety Ardent Coin360
Icons Inventory Misc Contract Aranea 01
[Aranea] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Feywild[Feywild Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800 [3]
Icons Companion Blackassassindrake
[Assassin Drake] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Felldragon[Fell Dragon Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icon Companion Battlefieldmedic
[Battlefield Medic] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Siege of Neverwinter
Icon Companion Scorpion Black
[Black Death Scorpion] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icon Companion Blackdragonioun
[Black Dragon Ioun Stone] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen3,000
Icons Companion BlackIceIounStone
[Black Ice Ioun Stone] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Frozencrystal[Frozen Crystal Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icons Companion Blackicedwarf 01
[Black Ice Prospector] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icons Companion TwistedDwarfScrollCase[Twisted Dwarf Scroll Case]
Icons Inventory Misc Contract Book Imp 04
[Book Imp] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Foundry Achievement : Foundry Artifex
Companion Baby Bulette
[Bulette Pup] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Epic Companion Pack] / Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Legendary Companion Pack]
Icon Companion Celeste
[Celeste] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? in Icon Cstore Bloodrubypack[Blood Ruby Pack] during limited promotion
Icons Companion Chicken
[Chicken] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Inventory Misc Egg 01 Brown[Mysterious Chicken Egg]
Icon Companion Chultan Hunter
[Chultan Hunter] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icon Companion Chult Tiger
[Chultan Tiger] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500?
Icons Companion Cockatrice
[Cockatrice] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Inventory Misc Egg 01 Brown[Mysterious Chicken Egg]
Icon Companion Crab
[Crab] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icons Companion Deepcrowhatchling
[Deep Crow Hatchling] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? [New Opportunities Lockbox]
Icons Companion Duergartheurge
[Duergar Theurge] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icons Companion TwistedDwarfScrollCase[Twisted Dwarf Scroll Case]
Icon Companion Archon Earth
[Earth Archon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Promotional Trove Of Elemental Evil[Trove of Elemental Evil]
Icon Companion XegYi 01
[Energon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? The Dread Legion
Companion Fire Archon
[Fire Archon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]/ Icon Lockbox Promotional Trove Of Elemental Evil[Trove of Elemental Evil]
Icon Companion Galebdur Frozen
[Frozen Galeb Duhr] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Giants[Giants' Lockbox]
Misc Trinket Primal 01
[Galeb Duhr] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icon Companion Goat
[Goat] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,250[4], Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]


Icon Lockbox Madmage[Lockbox of the Mad Mage]
Companion Honey Badger
[Honey Badger] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icon Companion Huntingdrake
[Hunting Drake] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icons Mysteriousscroll Drake[Mysterious Drake Summoning Scroll]
Icons Inventory Misc Gemstone Dodecahedron 04
[Icosahedron Ioun Stone] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Foundry Achievement : Moonstar Agent
Icon Companion Chult Gorilla
[Infant Gorilla] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Lockboxes - Soulmonger's
Icons Inventory Misc Gemstone Iounstonemight 02
[Ioun Stone of Might] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Emporium Vendor / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icons Companion Irongolem
[Iron Golem] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox DragonForged[Dragonforged Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Misc Bones Skull 01
[Laughing Skull] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Magnificentemporium[Lockbox of the Magnificent Emporium] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icons Inventory Misc Instruments Harp Lillend
[Lillend] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Dropped from Icon Cstore Pack Booster Professions[Professions Booster Pack] or Icon Cstore Pack Assets Professions[Professions Asset Pack]
during special offer Limited Time Pack Bonus [1]
Icon Companion Mageslayer 01
[Mage Slayer] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market
Icon Companion Makos
[Makos] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icons Companion Manticore 01
[Manticore] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Giants[Giants' Lockbox], Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icon Companion Myconid
[Myconid] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market
Icons Inventory Misc Torch Phoera 03
[Mystic Phoera] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Nightmarechest[Nightmare Lockbox]
Icons Companion Owl
[Owl] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Companion Baby Owl
[Owlbear Cub] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Epic Companion Pack] / Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Legendary Companion Pack] / Chest in Malabog's Castle (5 man)
Companion Panther
[Panther] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Hero of the North Pack
Icon Companion Paranoiddelusion
[Paranoid Delusion] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icons Inventory Misc Torch Phoera 02
[Phoera] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Nightmarechest[Nightmare Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Companion Baby Polarbear
[Polar Bear Cub] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Epic Companion Pack] / Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Legendary Companion Pack]
Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragon Pseudo 01
[Pseudodragon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Darkforest[Dark Forest Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icon Companion Twigblight
[Razorwood] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? preview
Icons Companion Redcappowerie
[Redcap Powrie] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion / drop from Event Winter Winterpack[Starlight Bag]
Icons Companion Remorhaz 01
[Remorhaz] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500(Remorhaz Bundle/Tooltip)
Icons Inventory Rustmonster
[Rust Monster] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Rustediron[Rusted Iron Lockbox] / Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack] / Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icon Companion Allosaur
[Savage Allosaur] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox OftheLost[Lockbox of the Lost], Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icons Companion SergeantKnox
[Sergeant Knox] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icons Companion Wintercelebrant 01
[Simril's Holiday Helper] 35 UNKNOWN ? ?
Icons Misc Collar Dog Skeleton 01
[Skeletal Dog] 20 UNKNOWN ? ? Valindra's Invasion Bones of Valindra's Minions40
Icons Companion SnowLeopard
[Snow Leopard] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Excavated[Excavated Lockbox]
Icons Inventory Misc Trinket Sprite 01
[Sprite] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icon Companion Goldenlion 01
[Stalwart Golden Lion] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Firemane[Firemane Lockbox]
Icon Companion Stronghold Cleric
[Stronghold's Cleric] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icons Inventory Misc Trinket Sylph 01
[Sylph] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Knight of the Feywild Pack
Icon Companion Raptor
[Tamed Velociraptor] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Merchantprince[Merchant Prince Lockbox], Trade Bar Merchant Tarmalune Trade Bars800[3]
Icon Companion Tutor
[Tutor] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Consult Expedition Pack
Icons Inventory Misc Whistle Direwolf 04
[Vicious Dire Wolf] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Reward Claims Agent Guardian of Neverwinter Pack
Icons Companion Vistani
[Vistani Wanderer] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? [Undying Lockbox], Zen Market Zen2,500
Icon Companion MoltenGalebDur
[Volcanic Galeb Duhr] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotion
Icon Companion Archon Water
[Water Archon] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Icon Lockbox Promotional Trove Of Elemental Evil[Trove of Elemental Evil]
Icon Companion Gargoyle Aug
[Watler] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen3,000
Icon Companion Intern Undead
[Wiggins the Undead Intern] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? ???
Icons Companion Willowisp
[Will-O'-Wisp] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
Icons Companion Xuna
[Xuna] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Special Promotions
Icon Companion Lunar Yojimbo
[Yojimbo] 35 UNKNOWN ? ? Zen Market Zen2,500
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Before Patch NW.5.20130812b.13, Cleric Disciples, Faithful Initiates and Lillends were Controllers. However, the patch applied only to newly-created companions. Previously-created companions remained Controllers.
  2. An Epic version is available, fully equipped, in the Icon Cstore Companionbundle[Rimefire Golem Bundle] on the Zen Market for Zen3,000.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Companions sold at the Tarmalune Trade Bar Merchant are of Uncommon quality
  4. Included in Icon Cstore Item Mysteriousvoidlocket[Mysterious Void Locket]. Purchase includes 20x Inventory Misc Lockbox Keys 01[Enchanted Key]

Companion Stats[ | ]

All summoned companions give stats to the player. It seems to be a base amount, that depends on the companion's quality and maybe the companion bolser, to every main stat. Most of the stat bonus that a summoned companion gives the player is from the Companion Equippment. Augment companions give additional stats to the player, but do not actively attack or contribute to combat. Non-augment companions, often called active companions, give fewer overall stats, but actively attack and contribute to combat.

Powers[ | ]

Active Power[ | ]

Active Powers are the abilities automatically used by the summoned companion.

For a list of Active Powers, See Active Powers. (OUTDATED)

Enhancement Power[ | ]

Enhancement Powers are a feature introduced in Module 16: Undermountain. Enhancement Powers are passive, and only one can be selected at any given time.

For list of Enhancement Powers, See Enhancement Powers.

Player Bonus Power[ | ]

Active Bonuses were migrated to Player Bonus Powers in Module 16: Undermountain. Bonus Powers are classified as Offense, Defense and/or Utility Powers. Bonus Powers are passive and 5 can be chosen and active at any given time: 1 Offense, 1 Defense, 1 Utility, and 2 Universal (any). Stats from the Player Bonus Powers are added directly to the player character and remain active even if no companion is summoned.

For a list of companion bonuses, see Bonus Powers.

Companion Advancement[ | ]

Companions can range from common to mythic in quality, and any companion can be upgraded using either Astral Diamonds or Companion Upgrade Tokens for prices as listed in the following table. The higher the rank of a companion, the higher the Companion Bolster percentage it gives.

Rarity Astral Diamonds Cost to Upgrade Companion Upgrade Token Cost to Upgrade Bolster Given
Common Astral Diamonds50,000 Companion Upgrade Token30 0.5%
Uncommon Astral Diamonds250,000 Companion Upgrade Token60 1%
Rare Astral Diamonds500,000 Companion Upgrade Token90 2%
Epic Astral Diamonds1,000,000 Companion Upgrade Token120 3%
Legendary Astral Diamonds1,500,000 Companion Upgrade Token150 5%
Mythic Max Quality Max Quality 10%