Neverwinter Wiki
Aberrant Fey Wolf
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Mount
Tag: Mount
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Rank: {{{rank}}}
Sell value: hidden
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
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Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Aberrant

The Aberrant Fey Wolf is a mount that found in the Icon Lockbox Manystarred[Many-Starred Lockbox].

Insignia Bonus[ | ]

Name Insignia 1 Insignia 2 Insignia 3 Description
Assassin's Covenant Regal Enlightened Enlightened You lose 1000 of your Defense, Deflect, Critical Avoidance and Awareness. You gain 1000 Accuracy, Critical Severity, Critical Strike, and Combat Advantage.


Aberrant Fey Wolf
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Combat Power: A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Equip Power: +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity

The stats are shown at max quality.

Regal Insignia Slot: Empty
Enlightened Insignia Slot: Empty
Enlightened Insignia Slot: Empty

This Fey wolf has been twisted by the forces of the Far Realm, and no longer wishes to be subservient to the cruel Nostura.


Gallery[ | ]
