Neverwinter Wiki
Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Armor Collection for PvP:

Class Executioner Armor Duelist Armor Medic Armor Gladiator Armor
Control Wizard Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Devoted Cleric Accessories Fullset Fullset Accessories
Great Weapon Fighter Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Guardian Fighter Fullset Accessories Accessories Fullset
Hunter Ranger Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Oathbound Paladin Accessories Accessories Fullset Fullset
Scourge Warlock Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Trickster Rogue Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories

Armor Collection for PvE:

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor
Class Assault Armor Raid Armor Restoration Armor Ward Armor
Control Wizard Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Devoted Cleric Accessories Fullset Fullset Accessories
Great Weapon Fighter Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Guardian Fighter Accessories Fullset Accessories Fullset
Hunter Ranger Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Oathbound Paladin Accessories Accessories Fullset Fullset
Scourge Warlock Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories
Trickster Rogue Fullset Fullset Accessories Accessories

Guild Executioner Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Executioner armor was constructed with raw offensive might in mind.

This is a set of entry level dps equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Executioner Necklace 279 419 698
Guild Executioner Ring 419 279 698
Guild Executioner Belt 419 279 698

Control Wizard

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Cap 7,450 377 252 252 293 377 3,413.5
Guild Executioner Robes 14,900 587 391 391 440 587 6,121
Guild Executioner Armlets 7,450 252 252 377 293 377 3,413.5
Guild Executioner Shoes 7,450 377 252 293 252 377 3,413.5

Great Weapon Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Sallet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Greaves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Sallet 7,450 377 252 671 252 377 3,791.5
Guild Executioner Scalemail 14,900 587 391 391 1,006 587 6,687
Guild Executioner Vambraces 7,450 252 252 671 377 377 3,791.5
Guild Executioner Greaves 7,450 252 377 252 671 377 3,791.5

Guardian Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Helm] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Executioner Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Helm 7,450 252 377 252 754 377 3,874.5
Guild Executioner Breastplate 14,900 391 587 1,132 391 587 6,813
Guild Executioner Gauntlets 7,450 252 377 754 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Executioner Sabatons 7,450 252 377 754 252 377 3,874.5

Hunter Ranger

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Executioner Hood] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Executioner Coat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Executioner Bracers] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Executioner Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Hood 7,450 252 377 252 433 377 3,553.5
Guild Executioner Coat 14,900 587 391 650 391 587 6,331
Guild Executioner Bracers 7,450 377 252 433 252 377 3,553.5
Guild Executioner Gaiters 7,450 252 377 252 433 377 3,553.5

Scourge Warlock

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Cowl] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Longcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Wristguards] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Pigaches] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Cowl 7,450 252 252 377 363 377 3,483.5
Guild Executioner Longcoat 14,900 391 587 391 545 587 6,226
Guild Executioner Wristguards 7,450 252 377 363 252 377 3,483.5
Guild Executioner Pigaches 7,450 252 252 377 363 377 3,483.5

Trickster Rogue

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Executioner Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Executioner Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Executioner Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Executioner Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Mask 7,450 252 252 377 363 377 3,483.5
Guild Executioner Vest 14,900 391 587 545 391 587 6,226
Guild Executioner Gloves 7,450 252 377 252 363 377 3,483.5
Guild Executioner Boots 7,450 252 377 363 252 377 3,483.5

Guild Duelist Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Duelist armor was constructed with a balance of power and survivability in mind.

This is a set of entry level survivability-dps hybrid equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Duelist Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Duelist Ring 419 279 698
Guild Duelist Belt 279 419 698

Control Wizard

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Cap 7,450 252 377 293 252 377 3,413.5
Guild Duelist Robes 14,900 587 440 391 391 587 6,121
Guild Duelist Armlets 7,450 252 377 293 252 377 3,413.5
Guild Duelist Shoes 7,450 252 293 377 252 377 3,413.5

Devoted Cleric

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Duelist Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Duelist Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Duelist Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Duelist Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Coif 7,450 377 252 252 559 377 3,679.5
Guild Duelist Surcoat 14,900 587 391 838 391 587 6,519
Guild Duelist Braces 7,450 252 377 559 252 377 3,679.5
Guild Duelist Cuisses 7,450 377 252 252 559 377 3,679.5

Great Weapon Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Duelist Sallet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Duelist Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Duelist Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Duelist Greaves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Sallet 7,450 377 252 671 252 377 3,791.5
Guild Duelist Scalemail 14,900 1,006 978 391 587 6,687
Guild Duelist Vambraces 7,450 252 671 377 252 377 3,791.5
Guild Duelist Greaves 7,450 252 671 377 252 377 3,791.5

Hunter Ranger

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Duelist Hood] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Duelist Coat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Duelist Bracers] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Duelist Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Hood 7,450 377 252 433 252 377 3,553.5
Guild Duelist Coat 14,900 391 650 391 587 587 6,331
Guild Duelist Bracers 7,450 252 252 433 377 377 3,553.5
Guild Duelist Gaiters 7,450 252 433 252 377 377 3,553.5

Scourge Warlock

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Duelist Cowl] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Duelist Longcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Duelist Wristguards] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Duelist Pigaches] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Cowl 7,450 252 252 363 377 377 3,483.5
Guild Duelist Longcoat 14,900 391 587 545 391 587 6,226
Guild Duelist Wristguards 7,450 252 377 363 252 377 3,483.5
Guild Duelist Pigaches 7,450 252 363 252 377 377 3,483.5

Trickster Rogue

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Duelist Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Duelist Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Duelist Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Duelist Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Mask 7,450 252 377 363 252 377 3,483.5
Guild Duelist Vest 14,900 391 391 545 587 587 6,226
Guild Duelist Gloves 7,450 252 363 377 252 377 3,483.5
Guild Duelist Boots 7,450 252 363 377 252 377 3,483.5

Guild Medic Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Medic armor was constructed to aid in healing allies in combat.

This is a set of entry level healing equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Medic Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Medic Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Medic Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Medic Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Medic Ring 419 279 698
Guild Medic Belt 279 419 698

Devoted Cleric

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Medic Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Medic Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Medic Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Medic Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Medic Coif 7,450 377 252 559 252 377 3,679.5
Guild Medic Surcoat 14,900 391 587 838 391 587 6,519
Guild Medic Braces 7,450 252 377 559 252 377 3,679.5
Guild Medic Cuisses 7,450 252 377 559 252 377 3,679.5

Oathbound Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Medic Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Medic Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Medic Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Medic Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Medic Armet 7,450 252 377 754 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Medic Cuirass 14,900 587 391 1,132 391 587 6,813
Guild Medic Couters 7,450 252 377 754 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Medic Poleyns 7,450 252 377 754 252 377 3,874.5

Guild Gladiator Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Gladiator armor was constructed to allow the wearer to outlast any opponent.

This is a set of entry level tanking equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Gladiator Necklace 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Gladiator Ring 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Gladiator Belt 1,677 279 698.25

Guardian Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Helm] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Gladiator Helm 7,450 252 754 377 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Gladiator Breastplate 14,900 587 1,132 391 391 587 6,813
Guild Gladiator Gauntlets 7,450 252 754 377 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Gladiator Sabatons 7,450 377 754 252 252 377 3,874.5

Oathbound Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Gladiator Armet 7,450 252 754 377 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Gladiator Cuirass 14,900 587 1,132 391 391 587 6,813
Guild Gladiator Couters 7,450 252 754 377 252 377 3,874.5
Guild Gladiator Poleyns 7,450 252 754 377 252 377 3,874.5

Guild Assault Armor (Item Level 125)

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Assault armor was constructed with exploiting enemies' defenses in mind.

This is a set of entry level armor penetration equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold GreatWeaponFighter 01
[Guild Assault Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold GreatWeaponFighter 01
[Guild Assault Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold GreatWeaponFighter 01
[Guild Assault Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Assault Ring 279 419 698
Guild Assault Belt 419 279 698

Control Wizard

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Assault Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Assault Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Assault Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Assault Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Cap 7,450 755 503 293 3,413.5
Guild Assault Robes 14,900 1,174 783 440 6,122
Guild Assault Armlets 7,450 503 755 293 3,413.5
Guild Assault Shoes 7,450 755 503 293 3,413.5

Great Weapon Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Assault Sallet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Assault Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Assault Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Assault Greaves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Sallet 7,450 755 503 671 3,791.5
Guild Assault Scalemail 14,900 1,174 783 1,006 6,688
Guild Assault Vambraces 7,450 503 755 671 3,791.5
Guild Assault Greaves 7,450 755 503 671 3,791.5

Hunter Ranger

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Assault Hood] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Assault Coat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Assault Bracers] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Assault Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Hood 7,450 755 503 433 3,553.5
Guild Assault Coat 14,900 1,174 783 650 6,332
Guild Assault Bracers 7,450 755 503 433 3,553.5
Guild Assault Gaiters 7,450 755 503 433 3,553.5

Scourge Warlock

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Assault Cowl] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Assault Longcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Assault Wristguards] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Assault Pigaches] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Cowl 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Assault Longcoat 14,900 1,174 783 545 6,227
Guild Assault Wristguards 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Assault Pigaches 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5

Trickster Rogue

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Mask 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Assault Vest 14,900 1,174 783 545 6,227
Guild Assault Gloves 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Assault Boots 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5

Guild Raid Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Raid armor was constructed with overwhelming power in mind.

This is a set of entry level DPS equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold TricksterRogue 01
[Guild Raid Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold TricksterRogue 01
[Guild Raid Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold TricksterRogue 01
[Guild Raid Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Raid Ring 419 279 698
Guild Raid Belt 419 279 698

Control Wizard

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Raid Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Raid Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Raid Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Raid Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Cap 7,450 503 755 293 3,413.5
Guild Raid Robes 14,900 783 1,174 440 6,122
Guild Raid Armlets 7,450 755 503 293 3,413.5
Guild Raid Shoes 7,450 503 755 293 3,413.5

Devoted Cleric

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Raid Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Raid Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Raid Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Raid Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Coif 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5
Guild Raid Surcoat 14,900 1,174 783 838 6,520
Guild Raid Braces 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5
Guild Raid Cuisses 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5

Great Weapon Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Raid Sallet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Raid Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Raid Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Guild Raid Greaves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Sallet 7,450 503 755 671 3,791.5
Guild Raid Scalemail 14,900 783 1,174 1,006 6,688
Guild Raid Vambraces 7,450 503 755 671 3,791.5
Guild Raid Greaves 7,450 503 755 671 3,791.5

Guardian Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Raid Helm] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Raid Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Raid Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Raid Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Helm 7,450 503 755 754 3,874.5
Guild Raid Breastplate 14,900 1,174 783 1,132 6,814
Guild Raid Gauntlets 7,450 755 503 754 3,874.5
Guild Raid Sabatons 7,450 755 503 754 3,874.5

Hunter Ranger

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Raid Hood] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Raid Coat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Raid Bracers] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Raid Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Hood 7,450 503 755 433 3,553.5
Guild Raid Coat 14,900 1,174 783 650 6,332
Guild Raid Bracers 7,450 503 755 433 3,553.5
Guild Raid Gaiters 7,450 755 503 433 3,553.5

Scourge Warlock

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Raid Cowl] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Raid Longcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Raid Wristguards] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Raid Pigaches] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Cowl 7,450 503 755 363 3,483.5
Guild Raid Longcoat 14,900 1,174 783 545 6,227
Guild Raid Wristguards 7,450 503 755 363 3,483.5
Guild Raid Pigaches 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5

Trickster Rogue

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Mask 7,450 503 755 363 3,483.5
Guild Raid Vest 14,900 783 1,174 545 6,227
Guild Raid Gloves 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Raid Boots 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5

Guild Restoration Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Restoration armor was constructed to enhance healing techniques.

This is a set of entry level healing equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Necklace 279 419 698
Guild Restoration Ring 279 419 698
Guild Restoration Belt 419 279 698

Devoted Cleric

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Coif 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5
Guild Restoration Surcoat 14,900 783 1,174 838 6,520
Guild Restoration Braces 7,450 503 755 559 3,679.5
Guild Restoration Cuisses 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5

Oathbound Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Armet 7,450 503 755 754 3,874.5
Guild Restoration Cuirass 14,900 1,174 783 1,132 6,814
Guild Restoration Couters 7,450 755 503 754 3,874.5
Guild Restoration Poleyns 7,450 503 755 754 3,874.5

Guild Ward Armor (Item Level 125)[ | ]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Ward armor was constructed with the wearer's survivability in mind.

This is a set of entry level tanking equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold GuardianFighter 01
[Guild Ward Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold GuardianFighter 01
[Guild Ward Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold GuardianFighter 01
[Guild Ward Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Ward Necklace 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Ward Ring 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Ward Belt 1,677 279 698.25

Guardian Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Helm] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Ward Helm 7,450 755 754 503 3,874.5
Guild Ward Breastplate 14,900 1,174 1,132 783 6,814
Guild Ward Gauntlets 7,450 754 503 755 3,874.5
Guild Ward Sabatons 7,450 503 754 755 3,874.5

Oathbound Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Ward Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Ward Armet 7,450 755 754 503 3,874.5
Guild Ward Cuirass 14,900 1,174 1,132 783 6,814
Guild Ward Couters 7,450 503 754 755 3,874.5
Guild Ward Poleyns 7,450 755 754 503 3,874.5