Neverwinter Wiki
This is a historical page meaning that the information it contains is no longer relevant to the live game.

Standard Enchantments[ | ]

These are the enchantments that give direct bonuses to statistics when equipped.

Image Name Slot Effects Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7 Rank 8 Rank 9 Rank 10 Rank 11 Rank 12 Rank 13 Rank 14 Rank 15
Icon Inventory Enchantment Assassin T9 Assassin's Offense Combined Rating 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Accuracy 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Combat Advantage 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Critical Strike 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Defense Combined Rating 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Awareness 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Critical Avoidance 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Deflection 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Icon Inventory Enchantment Azurebrand T9 01 Azure Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
XP Bonus 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Strike 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Defense 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Icon Inventory Enchantment BlackIce T9 01 Black
Offense Combined Rating 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Power 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Critical Strike 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Accuracy 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Defense Combined Rating 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Defense 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Deflection 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Critical Avoidance 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Icon Inventory Enchantment Brutal T9 01 Brutal Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Forte 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
XP Bonus 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.3% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 [1] 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Power 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Critical Strike 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Maximum Hitpoints 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 420 480 540 600
Defense 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Icon Inventory Enchantment Cruel T9 01 Cruel Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Incoming Healing 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Glory Bonus 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.3% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Accuracy 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Power 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Defense 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Deflection 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Icon Inventory Enchantment Darkemblem T9 01 Dark Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Forte 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Severity 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Avoidance 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Icon Inventory Enchantment Demonic T9 01 Demonic Offense Combined Rating 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Critical Severity 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Critical Strike 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Power 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Defense Combined Rating 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Maximum Hitpoints 240 288 336 384 432 480 576 672 768 864 960
Critical Avoidance 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Deflection 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Icon Inventory Enchantment Dragon T9 01 Draconic Offense Combined Rating 25 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Critical Severity 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Accuracy 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Power 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Defense Combined Rating 25 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Maximum Hitpoints 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480 576 672 768 864 960
Critical Avoidance 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Defense 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Icon Inventory Enchantment Gigantic T9 01 Gigantic Offense Combined Rating 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Critical Strike 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Accuracy 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Critical Severity 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Defense Combined Rating 34 42 50 59 67 76 84 101 118 134 151 168
Deflection 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 144 168 192 216 240
Defense 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 108 120
Maximum Hitpoints 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 288 336 384 432 480
Enchantment Radiantsigil T9 01 Radiant Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Gold Bonus 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Power 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Maximum Hit Points 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 720 840 960 1,080 1,200
Icon Inventory Enchantment Ruthless T9 01 Ruthless Utility Combined Rating 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Gold Bonus 1.8% 2%% 2.3% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Glory Bonus 1.8% 2%% 2.3% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Accuracy 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Critical Strike 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Avoidance 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Icon Inventory Enchantment Savage T9 01 Savage Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Gold Bonus 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
XP Bonus 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Severity 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Critical Strike 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Maximum Hit Points 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 420 480 540 600
Critical Avoidance 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Icon Inventory Enchantment Coin T9 01 Shiny Coin
Utility Combined Rating 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Gold Bonus 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
XP Bonus 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Combat Advantage 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Critical Severity 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Maximum Hit Points 150 180 210 240 270 300 360 420 480 540 600
Awareness 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Enchantment Silverglyph T9 01 Silvery Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Glory Bonus 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Accuracy 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Deflection 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Icon Inventory Enchantment Tactical T9 Tactical Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Incoming Healing 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Combat Advantage 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Awareness 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 180 210 240 270 300
Icon Inventory Enchantment Vicious T9 01 Vicious
Utility Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Glory Bonus 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
XP Bonus 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Severity 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Power 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Critical Avoidance 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Deflection 7.5 15 22 30 38 45 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Icon Inventory Enchantment Wicked T9 01 Wicked
Utility Combined Rating 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Gold Bonus 1.8% 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Incoming Healing 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Offense Combined Rating 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Accuracy 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Critical Severity 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 63 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Deflection 52 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Maximum Hit Points 210 240 270 300 360 420 480 540 600
Icon Inventory Enchantment Tales T9 01 Woven Tales[5] Utility Combined Rating 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Forte 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Gold Bonus 2% 2.25% 2.5% 3% 3.5% 4% 4.5% 5%
Offense Combined Rating 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Combat Advantage 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Critical Strike 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Defense Combined Rating 72 81 90 108 126 144 162 180
Awareness 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150
Deflection 60 68 75 90 105 120 135 150

Note: The image is for the Rank 9 version as it is the most common, higher and lower ranks have different appearances

  1. Incorrectly listed as 126 on the in-game tooltip, with no Combined Rating given for the Utility Slot
  2. The Shiny Coin Enchantment can be obtained from the Coins of Waukeen event
  3. Vicious Enchantments are a reward from Challenge of the Gods.
  4. Wicked Enchantments are a reward from The Cloaked Ascendancy.
  5. The Woven Tales Enchantment, either rank 8 or 9, can be obtained from the Tales of Old event

Non-standard Enchantments[ | ]

  • Unique enchants that either do not give stats or have limited ranks

Brilliant Energy[ | ]

Icon Inventory Weapenchant Founder T8 01 [Brilliant Energy] Normal Weapon Enhancement Slot: You have a 30% chance to deal 12.5% of weapon damage as Radiant damage with every strike. This damage ignores half of your target's Damage Resistances.


  • Description: Your weapon is coated in roiling flames, searing foes with its very touch and drives your foes to fits of fear.
  • The Brilliant Energy Enchantment comes on the weapons in the [Delzoun Treasure Box] from the Hero of the North Pack and can also be claimed separately from the Reward Claims Agent.
  • The Brilliant Energy Enchantment only has one Tier.
  • The Brilliant Energy Enchantment only works in Weapon Enhancement slots.
    • (Information need to be updated) The Brilliant Energy Echantmanent, after release of Mod 22, has been removed from the [Delzoun Treasure Box], and previously could provide an account-linked illusion if the echantment was equiped on the character after the release. Since this illusion cannot be traded from the echantment because of it's disappearance, it is unknow if the illusion is still obtainable, as well the enchantment obtainable separatly from the Reward Claims Agent. (Personnal note from editor of this line, the echantment never appeared separatly in my Agency)

Dragon's Hoard[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Gemfinder T8 01 Dragon's Hoard [Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 8] Utility Slot: +72 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 9] Utility Slot: +81 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4.5% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 10] Utility Slot: +90 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 11] Utility Slot: +108 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5.5% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 12] Utility Slot: +126 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 6% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 13] Utility Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 6.5% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 14] Utility Slot: +162 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 7% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.
[Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 15] Utility Slot: +180 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 7.5% chance after killing a foe to find a gemstone at your feet.


  • Multiple copies of Dragon's Hoard Enchantment stack, increasing your chance of getting a refinement stone.
  • There is a mechanic in place that limits the number and frequency of drops per day. Stacking multiple will not increase this limit, but rather cause you to hit it much faster.
  • Items you can find include: Icon Inventory Gemfood Parl[White Pearl], Icon Inventory Gemfood Peridot[Peridot], Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], Icon Inventory Gemfood Flawlesssapphire[Flawless Sapphire], Icon Inventory Gemfood Blackopal[Black Opal].

Fey Blessing[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Fey T8 01 Fey Blessing [Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 8] Utility Slot: +72 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 9] Utility Slot: +81 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4.5% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 10] Utility Slot: +90 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 11] Utility Slot: +108 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5.5% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 12] Utility Slot: +126 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 6% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 13] Utility Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 6.5% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 14] Utility Slot: +162 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 7% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.
[Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 15] Utility Slot: +180 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 7.5% chance after killing a foe to spawn a Will o' the Wisp to find an Enchantment for you. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of spawning the Wisp.


  • The level of the killed foe determines what rank of enchantment you get. Runestones and special enchantments, like Cruel/Savage, do not drop.

Founder's Glorious[ | ]

Armorenchant Founders T8 01 Founder's Glorious Normal Defense Slot: +15 Defense, Deflect, and Crit Resistance


  • Description: This enchantment causes your armor to emit a radiant glow!
  • The Founder's Glorious Enchantment comes with the purchase of the Founder's Hero of the North Pack and can be claimed from the Reward Claims Agent.
  • The Founder's Glorious Enchantment only has one Rank.
  • The Founder's Glorious Enchantment only works in Defense slots.
  • The Founder's Glorious Enchantmeent says Crit Resistance instead of Critical Avoidance in-game.

Greycloak's Insignia[ | ]

Enchantment Greycloak 01 [Graycloak's Insignia] Normal Offense Slot: +10 Power
Offense Slot: +10 Critical Strike
Offense Slot: +10 Recovery


Heart of Fire Enchantment[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Heartfire T14 01 [Heart of Fire Enchantment, Rank 14] Normal Offense Slot: +216 Power
Offense Slot: +108 Critical Strike
Offense Slot: +151 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: +108 Critical Severity


  • Description: Plucked, pilfered, or plundered, no matter the terminology used for the recovery of this powerful gem, it seems to radiate a constant warmth from within.
  • The Heart of Fire Enchantment is obtained through completion of the final quest in the Acquisitions Incorporated Campaign, Temple Intrusion.
  • The Heart of Fire Enchantment only has one Rank.

Loamweave[ | ]

Icon Inventory Armorenchant Loamweave T8 01 [Loamweave] Normal Armor Enhancement Slot: On receiving damage you have a 10% chance to deal Physical damage and root your attacker for 3 seconds (1 second on players). The damage scales with your level. This effect can only occur once every 60 seconds.


  • Description: Your armor now has the very essence of the Earth woven into it and will lash out at nearby foes when you are struck.
  • The Loamweave Enchantment comes in the [Knight of the Feywild Supplies] box from the Knight of the Feywild Pack and can also be claimed separately from the Reward Claims Agent.
  • The Loamweave Enchantment only has one Tier.
  • The Loamweave Enchantment only works with Armor Enhancement slots.
    • (Information need to be updated) The Loamweave Enchantment, after release of Mod 22, has not been removed from the pack or the Reward Claims Agent. It also wasn't transformed into illusion after the release of the Mod 22, and since the echantment has only one Tier as rank 7, it cannot be traded for an illusion. However, an illusion do exist within the game, but it is unknow how to acquire it or if it still obtainable.
  • When wearing armor enchanted with Loamweave, vines will periodically appear to wind around the character's forearms and then vanish, as illustrated in right side image. This effect even carries over to Fashion display mode.
    • The illusion has Vines periodically appearing to wind around character's arms, top back and around the head before vanishing.

Quartermaster's[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Salvage T5 Quartermaster's [Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 5] Utility Slot: +45 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 0.5% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 6] Utility Slot: +54 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 0.75% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 7] Utility Slot: +63 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 1% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 8] Utility Slot: +72 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 1.5% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 9] Utility Slot: +81 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 2% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 10] Utility Slot: +90 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 2.5% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 11] Utility Slot: +108 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 3% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 12] Utility Slot: +126 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 3.5% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 13] Utility Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 14] Utility Slot: +162 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4.5% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.
[Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 15] Utility Slot: +180 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of goods. Multiple copies and higher ranks of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a bag of goods, and improve the quality of the goods found.


  • Rank 5 is the lowest rank available.
  • The level of the killed foe determines what rank of bag you get.
  • The total chance to drop a bag from all quartermaster's enchantments you have equipped determines the rank of enchantments found in the bags.

Tenebrous[ | ]

Ep tenebrous lesser base Tenebrous [Rank 8] Offense Slot: +72 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 1% chance to deal 1% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 10,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 9] Offense Slot: +81 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 2% chance to deal 2% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 12,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 10] Offense Slot: +90 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 3% chance to deal 3% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 14,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 11] Offense Slot: +108 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 4% chance to deal 4% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 16,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 12] Offense Slot: +126 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 5% chance to deal 5% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 18,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 13] Offense Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 6% chance to deal 6% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 20,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 14] Offense Slot: +162 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 7% chance to deal 7% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 22,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.
[Rank 15] Offense Slot: +180 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: Once every second, when striking a foe you have a 8% chance to deal 8% of your current Hit Points in Necrotic damage up to a maximum of 24,000.
Additional Tenebrous enchantments will increase the chance of the highest rank enchant to activate, but will not increase the damage done. Maximum chance 30%.


  • The Tenebrous enchantment only works with offensive slots.
  • The image is for the Rank 1 version, higher ranks add flair to this base look.

Tymora's Lucky[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Tymora T1 01 Tymora's Lucky [Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 7] Utility Slot: +63 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 3.5% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 8] Utility Slot: +72 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 9] Utility Slot: +81 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 4.5% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 10] Utility Slot: +90 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 11] Utility Slot: +108 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 5.5% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 12] Utility Slot: +126 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 6% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 13] Utility Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 6.5% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 14] Utility Slot: +162 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 7% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.
[Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 15] Utility Slot: +180 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: You have a 7.5% chance after killing a foe to find a Hidden Pouch. These Pouches can contain various items, from Gold and Treasure, to Potions, Refinement Items, Rings, and Necklaces. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.


  • Multiple copies of Tymora's Lucky Enchantment stack, increasing your chance of finding a Hidden Pouch.

Discarded Enchantments[ | ]

Salvager's[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Salvage T5 Salvager's [Salvager's Enchantment, Rank 5] Utility Slot: You have 1% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of salvage. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding salvage.
[Salvager's Enchantment, Rank 6] Utility Slot: You have 2% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of salvage. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding salvage.
[Salvager's Enchantment, Rank 7] Utility Slot: You have 3% chance after killing a foe to find a bag of salvage. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of finding salvage.


  • Description: The original enchantment was made by a wizard working for pirates from the Nelanther Isles to help them glean salvageable items from wrecked ships.
  • The Salvager's Enchantment has a maximum rank of 7, and no ranks below 5.
  • The Quartermaster's Enchantment has replaced the Salvager's Enchantment in the Siege of Neverwinter event.

Major changes in module 16 have made some enchantments ineffective.

Tranquil[ | ]

Icon Inventory Enchantment Tranquil T1 01 Tranquil [Lesser] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 1,250 hit points.
[Normal] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 1,500 hit points.
[Greater] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 1,750 hit points.
[Rank 11] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 2,250 hit points.
[Rank 12] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 2,750 hit points.
[Rank 13] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 3,250 hit points.
[Rank 14] Defense Slot: When you are struck by an attack you have a chance to gain 4,000 hit points.


  • The HP gain depends on the player level. The values displayed are for player level 70.