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Cruel Enchantment, Rank 13
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Enchantment (previous)
Tag: Enchantment (previous)
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Legendary
Sell value: Silver80
Refinement point: Refinement Points75,000
Buy cost:
Icon Inventory Enchantment Cruel T13 01

The Cruel Enchantment, Rank 13 can be used as an offense, defense or utility enchantment.

Low-rank 1-5 Cruel Enchantments are a reward from Call to Arms skirmish: Pit Fight, Straight to Helm, Defend the Temple, Gate Crashers event.


Cruel Enchantment, Rank 13
Item Level: 160

When applied to an item:

Offense Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: +120 Power
Offense Slot: +120 Accuracy
Defense Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Defense Slot: +120 Defense
Defense Slot: +120 Deflection
Utility Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: +120 Incoming Healing
Utility Slot: +4% Glory Bonus

This enchantment radiates a slight heat, and its colors flicker like fire.

Enchantment (previous)
Rank: 13 (0/60,000 to next rank)
Guaranteed upgrade: 0/75

No Level Requirement
Refinement Points75,000