Neverwinter Wiki

Performance information commands

These commands display or hide various information related to current game performance.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/netgraph None 2, 1 or 0 2: displays bandwidth, ping and graph 1: Displays bandwidth and ping, 0: Hides bandwidth and ping
/showfps None 1 or 0 1: Numerical display of frame rate on top right corner of the screen. 0: Hides frame rate
/fpsgraph None 1 or 0 1: Graph display of the frame rate on the bottom right corner of the screen. 0: Hides graph display of the frame rate.
/showmem None 1 or 0 1: Displays main and video memory usage, 0: Hides memory usage
/gfxsetdefaultfov None 30 to 150 Set default Field of View (default 55)
/bind None keybind /command Binds commands with console, eg "/bind 9 gfxsetdefaultfov 35" sets FoV to 35 by pressing '9'

Status Commands

These commands change your online status.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/hide None None Changes search visibility for you to "Invisible"
/unhide None None Changes search visibility for you to "Visible To All"
/friendsonly None None Changes search visibility for you to "Friends Only"
/away /afk <string> Marks you as "Away" and using the specified string as your "away message". (Ex: /away "Outside having a cigarette.") Enter the command again to clear the away status and message, or use the /unaway command.
/unaway /afk or /away None Unmarks you as "Away".

Team Commands

These commands manage team interactions.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/Team None <string>
/Team_AcceptInvite None None Accept an invitation to join a party.
/Team_AcceptRequest None <int>
/Team_CancelRequest None None
/Team_DeclineInvite None None Decline an invitation to join a party.
/Team_DeclineRequest None <int>
/Team_CancelRequest None None
/Team_Invite None <string>
/Team_Kick None <string>
/Team_Leave None None Leave your party.
/Team_Mode None <string>
/Team_Promote None <string>
/Team_Request None <string>
/Team_SetLootMode None <string>
/Team_SetLootModeQuality None <string>
/Team_SetSidekicking None <int>

Miscellaneous Commands

These commands have yet to be categorized in one of the above categories.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/screen None <integer> <integer> Changes the screen size to specified <width> <height> (ex: /screen 800 600)
/maxfps None <integer> Changes the max fps to specified setting. If 0 is specified, max fps is set to auto
/screenshot_depth None Unknown Unknown
/screenshot_jpg None None Takes a screenshot (without the UI) and saves it in a jpg format.
/screenshot_ui_jpg None None Takes a screenshot with the UI and saves it in a jpg format.
/demo_record None <filename> Record in-game movie.
/demo_record_stop None None Stop recording of in-game movie.
-demo_play None <filename> Launcher advanced command-line option to replay saved in-game movie.
gameclient -demoplay None <filename> Windows command-line syntax to replay saved in-game movie.
/targetCursorOrAutoAttack None None Changes targeting method to include Auto Attack as well as Target Cursor.
/target_highlight None 1 or 0 Turns on or off the highlighting circle of the target. If 1: target will be highlighted. If 0: is specified, target will not be highlighted. Default is 1.
/target None <string> Target's specified entry. (Ex: To target Rhyx, /target "Rhyx")
/follow None None Follow's current target - following will be canceled upon user action/movement.
/stuck /unstuck None Attemps to move you slightly in the event that you are stuck.
/killme None None Commit suicide - intended to be used in the event that /stuck repeatedly does not help.
/inventory None None Opens your inventory (default keybind is "I")
/walk None 1 or 0 Your character will walk instead of run (also when mounted). If 1: You will walk very slow. If 0: is specified, you will move at standard speed. Default is 0.
/loc_vec None None Your X, Y, and Z coordinates are printed to the chat window. Useful for foundry editing.
/gotocharacterselect None None Go to character selecting screen without the need to enter login informations again.
/ugcshowreviewgen None None Opens the foundry mission review window for the latest mission.
showCamPos None 1 or 0 Show or hide camera position information. Default is 0.
/targetCursor None None Changes targeting method to Target Cursor.
/ShowGameUI None 1 or 0 Show or hide game user interface. Default is 1. This may be helpful for screenshots and video capture. WARNING: After hiding the UI, press ESC to show the game interface again, as there is no way to enter a "/ShowGameUI 1" command without the UI!
/CombatLog None 1 or 0 If set to 1, log combat activity to "/Neverwinter/Live/logs/GameClient/Combatlog.Log". Displays current setting when used without a parameter.

Unknown Commands

These commands are available but their full use has yet to be determined

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/assist None <string> Unknown
/LootCancel None None Unknown
/roll None None Unknown
/run None <integer> Unknown
/SetFollow None <integer> Setting the value to 1 while targeting something will enable auto-follow of the target. Usable via /bind key setfollow 1
/Invite None character@name Invite specified character to your current guild
/clevel None <string> <int> <int> Unknown
/ToggleDefaultAutoAttack None None Unknown
/Buy_PowerTreeNode None <string> <string> Unknown

All Neverwinter Online Commands

These are all the Neverwinter Online commands as shown by using the command /cmdlist

Commands Notes
/AcceptFriend No comment provided
/Actionbackward Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Actionforward Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Actionleft Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Actionright Moves the player forward and toggles cursor mode
/Addfriend Alias for the friend command. Adds a player as a friend.
/afk Mark yourself as away from the keyboard.
/aim No comment provided
/alias Create a more convenient alias for a longer command. You can embed "{}" in the command
/alphaInDOF Does world+character alpha objects before DoF pas
/anon Toggle anonymous status
/aspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio.
/Assist Assist : Assists the Entity with the matching name.
/autoEnableFrameRateStabilizer Auto-enables /frameRateStabilizer as it feels appropriate
/autoForward No comment provided
/autoForward1 No comment provided
/away Mark yourself as away from the keyboard.
/back Mark yourself as back at the keyboard.
/backward No comment provided
/backward1 No comment provided
/Befriend No comment provided
/bind Bind a key to a command, and store it on your character.
/bind_load Load entity keybinds from ent_keybinds.txt.
/bind_load_file Load entity keybinds from the given filename.
/bind_local Bind a key to a command.
/bind_local_load Load keybinds from keybinds.txt.
/bind_local_load_file Load keybinds from the given filename.
/bind_local_save Save keybinds to keybinds.txt.
/bind_local_save_file Save keybinds to the given filename.
/bind_pop_profile Pop the given key profile from the stack
/bind_push_profile Push a specific key profile onto the stack
/bind_save Save entity keybinds to ent_keybinds.txt.
/bind_save_file Save entity keybinds to the given filename.
/Blacksmith Show/hide the weapon tailor window
/bloomQuality Sets bloom quality, range = [0, 3]
/Bow Executes the Bow_formal emote
/bug Report a problem with the game.
/Buy_PowerTreeNode Buy_PowerTreeNode  : Purchases the Node in the PowerTree
/Bye Wave bye bye
/c Send a message to a channel.
/caccess No comment provided
/Calendar Show/hide the calendar.
/camButton_Target_Lock_Toggle No comment provided
/Camsetlocktotarget Lock or unlock the camera to the target
/camUseAutoTargetLock No comment provided
/Camzoomin Zoom the camera in
/Camzoomout Zoom the camera out
/chan Send a message to a channel.
/chanaccess No comment provided
/chandemote No comment provided
/ChangeInstance change to an already created instance of the same map. Only works while not in combat.
/chaninvite No comment provided
/channel_access No comment provided
/channel_create Create and join a new channel
/channel_decline_invite No comment provided
/channel_description No comment provided
/channel_destroy No comment provided
/channel_info No comment provided
/channel_invite No comment provided
/channel_join No comment provided
/channel_kick No comment provided
/channel_leave No comment provided
/channel_motd No comment provided
/Channel_RefreshAdminDetail No comment provided
/Channel_RefreshJoinDetail No comment provided
/Channel_RefreshSummary No comment provided
/channel_setcurrent No comment provided
/channel_uninvite No comment provided
/ChannelSend Send chat to a channel
/chanpromote No comment provided
/CharacterDetail Sets entity detail scaling
/Chat Say something to the people near you.
/Chat_SetStatus No comment provided
/ChatFriendsOnly No comment provided
/ChatHidden Toggle anonymous status
/ChatVisible No comment provided
/cinvite No comment provided
/Clear No comment provided
/ClearTargetOrBringUpMenu If something is targeted, clear the target, If nothing is targeted, bring up the main menu.
/ClearTargetOrBringUpMenuIgnoreMouseLook No comment provided
/clevel No comment provided
/Clickwindowbutton_1 Acts as a click on the positive/primary button on some popup windows
/Clickwindowbutton_2 Acts as a click on the negative/secondary button on some popup windows
/Clickwindowbutton_3 Acts as a click on the tertiary button on some popup windows
/cmdlist Print out all commands available
/cmds Print out client commands for commands containing
/CombatLog No comment provided
/CombatPowerStateCycleNext No comment provided
/CombatReactivePowerExec No comment provided
/comicShading Enables postprocessing, outlining, depth of field, and shadows.
/ContactDialogEnd Stop talking to the current contact.
/Crafting Shows the crafting window.
/create Create and join a new channel
/Credits Show/hide game terms of use
/Cstore Show/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
/cursorClick No comment provided
/CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForEntity No comment provided
/CursorPetRally_BeginPlaceForTeam No comment provided
/d3d11 Use the Direct3D 11 renderer device type
/d3d9 Use the Direct3D 9 renderer device type
/d3d9ex Use the Direct3D 9Ex renderer device type
/Dance Executes the dance emote
/demo_record Start recording a demo, save it into FILE.
/demo_record_stop Stop recording any demos started earlier with DEMO-RECORD.
/demo_restart Restart a currently playing demo.
/deviceType Use the specified renderer device type (valid options: Direct3D11, Direct3D9Ex, Direct3D9)
/disable_3d_texture_flush turns off flushing of 3D textures after device loss. Flush and reload takes longer but fixes problems on ATI and Intel GPUs
/disable_multimon_warning Disables displaying a warning about which monitor we're rendering on
/disable_windowed_fullscreen Disables going into full-screen windowed mode when maximized
/disableAutoAlwaysOnTop Disable setting the window to always on top while in the foreground
/DisableCursorMode Disables cursor mode and returns to action combat if the param is true, otherwise does nothing
/disableMRT Disables use of multiple render targets
/DisableRallyPointFX Toggle pet rally point FX
/disableSplatShadows Turns off splat shadows
/dnd Mark yourself as "Do Not Disturb".
/dof Enable depth-of-field rendering
/dofToggle No comment provided
/down No comment provided
/down1 No comment provided
/Dropmission Drop a mission
/dynamicLights Enables dynamic lights
/dynFxDumpExcludedFX No comment provided
/dynFxExcludeFX No comment provided
/e Emote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
/em Emote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
/EM.Save No comment provided
/emote Emote, failing if a preset emote is not found.
/emote_notext Emote, but without text.
/entCmd_CancelUpgradeJob No comment provided
/entityTexLODLevel Sets the quality level for character textures.
/EvaluateLeftClick No comment provided
/ExecActiveItemPowerInBag No comment provided
/findteams No comment provided
/Focus Focus : Sets the Entity with the matching name as the focus target. If no name is given, focuses your current target.
/Follow Follow: Follows the targeted entity
/FollowUntilInCombatOrInRange No comment provided
/ForceLogOut No comment provided
/forceOffScreenRendering Forces off-screen rendering, may resolve rendering issues on some platforms (WINE)
/forward No comment provided
/forward1 No comment provided
/fpsgraph Enables a graph showing recent frame times
/fpshisto Enables a histogram of frame times
/frameRateStabilizer Enables hack that seems to stabilize the framerate on some NVIDIA cards
/freeMouseCursor No comment provided
/friend No comment provided
/Friendadd Alias for the friend command. Adds a player as a friend.
/FriendComment No comment provided
/Friends Show/hide friend UI.
/FriendsOnly No comment provided
/g Say something on guild chat.
/GameMenu Opens the game pause menu
/gamma Changes the gamma
/GammaCalibration_Reset No comment provided
/gateway_SetHidden No comment provided
/GatewayInventory_DiscardItem No comment provided
/GatewayInventory_OpenRewardPack No comment provided
/GatewayInventory_SortBag No comment provided
/gclAutoAttack_DefaultAutoAttack <1/0>: Enable or disable auto attack
/GenAddModal Show a gen on the modal layer.
/GenAddWindow Show a gen on the window layer.
/GenAddWindowPCXbox Show a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
/GenButtonClick If the given gen is a button, click it.
/GenCycleFocus Cycle focus between the given gens, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
/GenCycleFocusReverse Cycle focus between the given gens in reverse, or if called with just one gen name, set focus to that gen.
/GenJailReset Reset all cells to their default sizes and positions.
/GenJailSink Send the hovered jail to the bottom of the stack.
/GenListActivate If the given gen is a list, activate the selected row.
/GenListDoSelectedCallback If the given gen is a list, run the selected callback.
/GenListDown If the given gen is a list, move the selected row down by one.
/GenListUp If the given gen is a list, move the selected row up by one.
/GenMovableBoxResetAllPositions Reset a movable box to its default position.
/GenPrisonHide Hide a the visible jails in the prison
/GenPrisonShow Show a set of jails in a prison
/GenRemoveModal Hide a gen on the modal layer.
/GenRemoveWindow Hide a gen on the window layer.
/GenRemoveWindowPCXbox Hide a gen on the window layer that is specific to PC or Xbox.
/GenSendMessage Send a message to a gen.
/GenSetFocus Set focus to the given gen.
/GenSetFocusOnCreate Set focus to the given gen as soon as it becomes ready.
/GenSetText Set the text of a gen text entry.
/GenSetTooltipFocus Set tooltip focus to the given gen.
/GenSetValue Set a value on a gen
/GenSliderAdjustNotch Move a slider's notch, if interactive, by the given amount.
/GenSliderAdjustValue Move a slider's value, if interactive, by the given amount.
/GenSliderSetNotch Set a slider's notch, if interactive.
/gfxForceProdModeDefaultSettings No comment provided
/gfxSettingsSetMinimalOptions Called when running on old drivers or unsupported hardware
/gfxTransgamingSetFullscreen No comment provided
/gotoCharacterSelect Log out the current character.
/gpuAcceleratedParticles Enables GPU-accelerated particle systems for increased performance on some systems
/Group Say something on team chat.
/Gu Say something on guild chat.
/guild Send chat to other players in your guild.
/Guild_AcceptInvite No comment provided
/Guild_DeclineInvite No comment provided
/Guild_Invite No comment provided
/Guild_Kick No comment provided
/Guild_Leave No comment provided
/Guild_MotD No comment provided
/Guild_SetMotD No comment provided
/Guildmanagement Show/hide the guild management window
/HardTargetLock 1 = camera automatically moves to follow target, 0 = stop auto camera movement
/hdr_max_luminance_adaptation 0 = use log average luminance measurement, non-zero = use maximum luminance
/Heal Use a healing surge.
/Help_Tickets Show/hide the powers window
/hide Toggle anonymous status
/Hidepowererrors For the video-making people. Hides the big red power errors. AL7+ only
/highDetail Enables high detail objects
/higherSettingsInTailor If available, users higher detail settings when in character creation/customization interfaces
/highFillDetail Enables high fill detail objects
/highQualityDOF Enables/disables high quality depth of field
/Homepage Show/hide the home/landing window
/ignore No comment provided
/ignore_spammer No comment provided
/interact Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range.
/Interactandloot Initiate interact gen or take all loot.... or revive a friend or interact at the cursor!
/Interactcursor Interact with specific object
/interactIncludeVolume Interact with the nearest interactable entity within range, followed by volume
/interactOptionPower No comment provided
/interactOverrideClear Clears current interact override
/interactOverrideCursor Set entity/object under cursor to be interact target
/Interactwindow Initiate interact gen
/Inventory Show/hide your inventory.
/InventoryExec Executes the first power on the item in the bag at the slot
/invertibledown No comment provided
/invertibleup No comment provided
/invertUpDown Inverts the InvertibleUp and InvertibleDown commands
/invertX Invert the horizontal axis for movement controls
/invertY Invert the vertical axis for movement controls
/Invite Invite another player to your team.
/Invoke Send a message to check if the player is topped up on Celestial Coins
/ItemUpgradeUI_SetUpgradeTime No comment provided
/Keybinds Show the keybinding interface.
/Killme Will kill your character. Only use as a last resort if there is no other way to get unstuck. Shows a ticket window first.
/L Say something to the people near you.
/Laugh Executes the laugh emote
/left No comment provided
/left1 No comment provided
/lensflare_quality Changes lens flare quality level. 0 = simple, 1 = soft z occlusion
/Levelupwindow Show/hide Levelup checklist
/lfg Say something on lfg chat.
/LFG_Mode No comment provided
/LFGDifficulty_Mode No comment provided
/Lfm Say something on lfg chat.
/lft Toggle Looking For Group status
/lightingQuality Sets various shader related rendering settings, only some values are allowed (0=low, 10=high)
/ListCellSize If set, then this overrides the default cell size
/loc Global value for location
/local Send chat to other players in your vicinity
/Login_Back From anywhere in the character creation / login process, go back.
/logout Log out the current character.
/lookDown No comment provided
/LookingForGroup Send LFG chat to other players in the same zone.
/lookUp No comment provided
/LootCancel Don't take loot, just destroy the client list
/Lore Toggles the mission window and displays the Lore tab
/MacroExec No comment provided
/MacroRun No comment provided
/mail Show the in-game mail interface.
/MakeCostumeJPeg Write out a character's costume (by slot index) It uses project specific defined
/Map Show/hide the map window
/maxfps Sets the maximum allowed framerate
/maxInactiveFps Sets the maximum allowed framerate when the application is not in the foreground
/maxLightsPerObject sets the maximum lights per object
/maxShadowedLights sets the maximum shadow casting lights per frame
/me Emote, using a plain text string if the emote is not found.
/missions Toggles the mission window. Which tab is shown is handled in the StateDef Visible of MissionJournal_Root - it depends on what other windows are up.
/Missiontoggletracked Toggle whether a given mission is tracked
/motd No comment provided
/mouseForward No comment provided
/msaa Enables/disables multisample antialiasing
/mute No comment provided
/Mutecontactvo Mutes the voice over from a contact after the dialog has ended
/NavToPosition No comment provided
/NavToSpawn_ReceivePosition No comment provided
/netgraph No comment provided
/netTimingGraph No comment provided
/netTimingGraphAlpha No comment provided
/noClipCursor Disables clipping of the cursor to a sigle monitor when running in fullscreen on PC
/noCustomCursor Disable custom cursors, will just use the default Win32 cursor on PC
/noSleepWhileWaitingForGPU Disables yielding the CPU while waiting for the GPU
/NotesServerName No comment provided
/O Say something on guild officer chat.
/off Say something on guild officer chat.
/officer Send chat to other players in your guild.
/OpenUrlCmd No comment provided
/Options Show the options screen.
/outlining Enable comic outlining
/p Say something on team chat.
/Paperdoll Show/hide the character tab of the Player Status window
/Party Say something on team chat.
/pause No comment provided
/perFrameSleep Adds a per-frame sleep to artificially reduce CPU/GPU usage to help with overheating (will also slow the game down)
/Perks Toggles the mission window and displays the Perks tab
/pets Show/hide the summons (pets) tab of the Player Status window
/played No comment provided
/poissonShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
/postProcessing Enable postprocessing
/Power_Exec Activate a power by name
/Power_Exec_Category Activate a power by category
/Power_Exec_NearDeath Activates the appropriate NearDeath-related Power
/PowerExecCategoryIfActivatable Activate a power by category
/Powers Show/hide the powers tab of the Player Status window
/PowerSlotExec PowerSlotExec  : Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
/printStallTimes Prints out the amount of time a stall took whenever a stall occurs
/process_priority 0 - default, normal always; 1 - normal in foreground, below normal in background/alt-tabbed; 2 - high always
/processMessagesOnlyBetweenFrames Prevents processing the device thread message queue except between frames.
/Promote Promote team leader
/Queue Show/hide the queue window
/Queue_JoinQueueWithPrefs No comment provided
/quit Close the window.
/r Reply to recent tell.
/rdrDisableSM2B Disables use of shader model 2.0b and higher for the renderer only, leaving full-featured materials
/rdrMaxFramesAhead Number of frames to allow the renderer to get
/rdrMaxGPUFramesAhead Number of frames to allow the GPU to get from the renderer, 0 to disable
/Rearrange Move or resize various elements on the screen
/reduce_mip Reduces the resolution of textures to only use the reduced (mip-map) textures.
/RejectFriend No comment provided
/RememberUILists Whether to remember UI List Column placement and width.
/RememberWindows No comment provided
/RemoveFriend No comment provided
/RenamePet No comment provided
/renderScale Sets the percentage of the display resolution to render the 3D world at
/renderSize Sets the pixel resolution to render the 3D world at
/reply Reply to recent tell.
/RestoreGameUI Restore the UI when escape is pressed
/reverseMouseButtons Reverse the left and right mouse buttons
/right No comment provided
/right1 No comment provided
/run No comment provided
/S Say something to the people near you.
/SafeLogin if true, then log the player back into their most recent static map instead of anything else. (For instance,
/Say Say something to the people near you.
/scattering 0 = scattering off, 1 = scattering on high res, 2 = scattering low res
/Scoreboard Show/hide Levelup checklist
/screen Sets or displays the current screen resolution.
/screen_pos_size Sets the current screen position and resolution.
/screenshot Save a screenshot
/screenshot_depth Save a screenshot with the depth only
/screenshot_jpg Save a screenshot
/screenshot_ui Save a screenshot with the UI included
/SetActiveCostume Sets active costume
/SetFocusToCurrentChatTextEntryWindow No comment provided
/SetFollow SetFollow: toggle follow
/setGameCamYaw Set camera horizontal rotation angle in radians; 0 = look south, 1.57 = look west, 3.14 = look north, 4.71 = look east
/SetHudShowDamageFloaters Sets player damage floaters flag.
/SetHudShowInteractionIcons Sets player interaction icons flag.
/SetHudShowPlayerTitles Sets player titles flag.
/SetHudShowReticlesAs Sets player reticle display.
/SetInvBagHideMode Sets the hide costume mode for an inventory bag
/SetInvSlotHideMode Sets the hide costume mode for an inventory slot
/setMouseForward No comment provided
/shadows Enable shadows
/Sharemission Share a mission with nearby team mates
/showCamPos Displays the camera's position
/showfps Displays frame rate
/ShowGameUI No comment provided
/ShowGameUINoExtraKeyBinds This command does not add any keybinds for showing the UI when the user presses escape
/showmem Displays process memory usage
/Showpowererrors For the video-making people. Shows the big red power errors. AL7+ only
/Sit Executes the sit emote
/SkipCutscene This allows a player to skip a cutscene.
/SkipFMV This allows the player to skip FMV
/slow No comment provided
/slow1 No comment provided
/sndDisable Disable all playing of sound
/sndEnable Enable playing of sound
/Social Show/hide the social window
/soft_particles Smooth particle intersections with geometry by fading out near the intersection
/softShadows Enables and disables soft shadows (poisson filtering)
/SoftwareCursor Use a software cursor instead of hardware cursors (fixes issues on some video card configurations, but is less responsive)
/specialClassPower No comment provided
/ssao Enables and disables screen space ambient occlusion
/Startchat Make the chat window visible and give it keyboard focus.
/Startchatreply Start chat and prefill with person to reply to.
/Startchatsemicolon Start chat and prefill with a ; (emote).
/Startchatslash Start chat and prefill with a / (command).
/Startchatwith Show char and prefill with the given text.
/stuck Attempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something
/suspendForcedMouselook No comment provided
/suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving Alters the forceMouselook mode and stops the player from moving at the same time
/svChannelJoin No comment provided
/svChannelLeave No comment provided
/svMicSetLevel No comment provided
/svPushToTalk No comment provided
/svSetMute No comment provided
/svSpeakersSetLevel No comment provided
/t Send a tell to a specific player.
/tacticalSpecial No comment provided
/Target Target : Targets the Entity with the matching name
/target_highlight 0 = simple targeting graphics, 1 = glowing outline/inline effect
/targetCursor Target the entity clicked on.
/targetCursorOrAutoAttack Same as /follow
/team No comment provided
/Team_AcceptInvite No comment provided
/Team_AcceptRequest No comment provided
/Team_DeclineRequest No comment provided
/Team_DefaultMode No comment provided
/Team_Invite Invite another player to your team.
/Team_Kick Kick a player off your team
/Team_Leave No comment provided
/Team_Mode No comment provided
/Team_Promote Promote team leader
/Team_Request No comment provided
/Team_SetDefaultLootMode No comment provided
/Team_SetDefaultLootModeQuality No comment provided
/Team_SetLootMode Sets the team loot mode
/Team_SetLootModeQuality Sets the minimum quality for team looting
/Team_SetSpokesman Set team spokesman
/Team_SetStatusMessage Sets the team status message
/Team_Sidekicking No comment
/teamHideMapTransferChoice No comment provided
/tell Private tell. Chat handles should be prefixed with an '@' character.
/Terms Show/hide game terms of use
/TerrainDetail Sets terrain detail scaling
/tex_memory_allowed Limits the total use of texture memory as a fail-safe against fatal allocation errors.
/tex_memory_unload_threshold No comment provided
/texAniso Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
/texLoadNearCamFocus Turn on/off loading textures near the camera focus, in addition to just near the camera.
/ThrottleAdjust No comment provided
/ThrottleSet No comment provided
/ThrottleToggle No comment provided
/timerRecordEnd Stops any current profiler recording or playback
/timerRecordStart Starts recording profiling information to the given filename
/ToggleDefaultAutoAttack ToggleDefaultAutoAttack: Toggles the state of auto attack
/togglefullscreen Toggles fullscreen
/ToggleGoldenPath No comment provided
/traceQueries Traces query use to the debugger.
/trade Send trade chat to other players in the same zone.
/TrayChangeIndex TrayChangeIndex  : Change the UITray's displayed Tray by a positive or negative amount.
/TrayExec TrayExec  : Attempts to execute the element in the UITray at the Slot
/TrayExecByTray TrayExec  : Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
/TrayExecByTrayNotifyAudio No comment provided
/TrayExecByTrayWithBackup TrayExec  : Attempts to execute the element in the Tray at the Slot
/turnleft No comment provided
/turnleft1 No comment provided
/turnright No comment provided
/turnright1 No comment provided
/txaa Enables/Disables TXAA
/ugc_MaybeShowReviewGen No comment provided
/UGC.Do No comment provided
/ugcEditorMode Set the UGC editor mode.
/Ugchidereviewgen Hide the Foundry review pop-up notification AND the review dialog.
/Ugcplayingeditor_Toggle Alias for Ugc.Do Playing_Toggle_Edit_Mode
/Ugcshowreviewgen Show the Foundry review pop-up notification.
/ui_GenLayersReset Resets the layout, used for when the server updates movable window positions
/ui_load Loads default UI Windows save file
/ui_load_file Loads named UI Windows save file
/ui_resolution Print the current UI screen resolution.
/ui_save Saves UI layout to default UI Window save file
/ui_save_file Saves UI layout to named UI Window save file
/ui_TooltipDelay Sets the additional delay, in seconds, before tooltips appear
/uiCancel Respond "Cancel" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
/UIForgetPositions Forget all saved UI positions/sizes
/uiOK Respond "OK" to an open dialog box; may not work in all dialogs.
/UIRememberPositions Whether to remember UI sizes and positions. On by default.
/unanon No comment provided
/unaway Mark yourself as back at the keyboard.
/unbind Unbind a key stored on your character.
/unbind_all Unbind all keys for the current keybind profile
/unbind_local Unbind a key from a command (this happens automatically when rebinding as well).
/Unfriend No comment provided
/unifiedInteractAtCursor Interacts with the object under the cursor.
/unignore No comment provided
/unlit Turns off all lighting on objects and sets the ambient to the specified value
/unpause No comment provided
/unstuck Attempt to fix your character that is currently stuck inside something
/up No comment provided
/up1 No comment provided
/UseDevice Use an item in a given invetory slot
/useFullSkinning Forces skinning to only two bones to improve performance ("Simple Skinning" in the Options screen)
/useManualDisplayModeChange Manually change the display mode for fullscreen settings, rather than allowing Direct3D to make the mode switch.
/useSM20 Uses only SM20
/useSM2B Uses only SM2B and lower
/useSM30 Uses full SM30
/version Displays the current build version
/VersionSlow displays the version a second later, useful for debugging things that depend on slow command return
/videoMemoryMax Sets the maximum amount of video memory (in hundreds of MB) we will try to use.
/visscale Sets world detail scaling
/vsync Turns on or off vsync
/W Send a tell to a specific player.
/walk No comment provided
/walk1 No comment provided
/water Enable water effects
/Wave Executes the wave emote
/Whisper Send a tell to a specific player.
/Whitelist_Chat Toggles the whitelist for all chat.
/Whitelist_Duels Set the Whitelist for duels
/Whitelist_Emails Toggles the whitelist for all chat.
/Whitelist_Invites No comment provided
/Whitelist_PvPInvites Set the Whitelist for duels
/Whitelist_Tells Toggles the whitelist for all chat.
/Whitelist_Trades Enable Trade Whitelist
/who No comment provided
/window_minimize Minimizes the window
/window_restore Toggles the window between restored and maximized
/WorldDetail Sets world detail scaling
/worldTexLODLevel Sets the quality level for world textures.
/Wtb Say something on trade chat.
/Wts Say something on trade chat.
/Wtt Say something on trade chat.
/Yell Say something to the whole zone.
/Z Say something to the whole zone.
/Zmarket Show/hide the Micro-Transactions UI (for buying stuff with real money).
/zone Send chat to other players in the same zone.