Neverwinter Wiki

Patch Notes: NW.15.20140520a.5

Character[ | ]

Content and Environment[ | ]

Enemies[ | ]

  • Icewind Dale: Adventurers have had their names and groups adjusted to be more clear what side they are on.

Gateway[ | ]

Items and Economy[ | ]

User Interface[ | ]

  • Leaderboards now only look at Domination kills, deaths and assists instead of from anywhere such as Open PvP.
  • Purchasing additional character slots from the character select window now works properly without needing to reopen the game client.
  • Salvaging: Black Ice items will properly show how much Black Ice they award instead of showing "0 Rough Astral Diamonds".
  • The Wondrous Bazaar no longer accepts adventurers selling items. Gateway will still allow this from the Inventory window at any time.

Known Issue[ | ]

  • Black Ice gear resistance may not properly update until changing maps. Additionally, it is possible to queue for Kessel's Retreat and be removed from the queue if you die.